38 weeks eve

In my new nursing PJ’s which Bub says look like old lady curtains.  Maybe that’s why they were 50% off.

And now for some of the nursery–we still need to decorate the walls, get a small rug, nightlight, and bookshelf.  Bub still wants to paint a mural.  For now the freshly painted green confines work well on their own, if you ask me.

Every nursery needs a fishy light:

Changing area with new shades.  Curtains to come after we know if it’s a little he or she so as to play up more blue or get some pink action going:

Crib with our fun mobile!

Organizing the baby’s closet which is the biggest one we have in the house!

And a closer look at the changing station.  If you look very closely, not only will you see Lamby, a gift from Grandma on top of the changing pad, but the other stuffed animal friends are at the bottom: Mr. Elephant who I purchased in London, a giraffe from my childhood, a hippo someone gave me at some point, and Miss Melon, a porcelain rabbit my dad got for me when I was very young at an airport store in Chicago when he was away on business.  It looks like her dress has melons on it, hence the name.  (Miss Melon is alone on shelf #2.)

The wall color isn’t done justice in these photos, but you get the idea.

Baby, we’re almost ready for you!


itsy bitsy mama

9 thoughts on “38 weeks eve

  1. In addition to the changing table, you can see the AWESOME waste disposal system! When I saw that first picture of your belly, the first thought in my mind was that video they used to show at the TBS tea….you know the picture of Linda H. in her undies totally preggers…..

  2. Holy Moly Mommy! You and your belly are adorable (and so are the PJs…doesn’t Bub know that retro is in?)

    Love the nursery and the furniture – so pretty!

  3. My goodness does this post make me wish I were already expecting baby #2! You look great and the nursery is totally adorable! LO is already one now so we’re DEFINITELY discussing baby #2… hopefully sooner rather than later! I can’t think of anything I’ve done in my lifetime that was as precious and special as carrying a life and bringing her into this world!

  4. OOPS, the message sent before I was done. that’s me, anonymous up there.
    LOVE the fish lights – make sure Bub gets kudos!
    Can’t wait to see the baby.

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